Why so rude..

So I’m doing the old google search of my name, and an article pops up on the daily mail about a recent blog I did explaining we didn’t do the show for fame.

It was a nice change from botched surgery ugly bitches as the headlines.

Apart from the comments section.. keep in mind people have to go out of their way to make comment.

“We’ll status quo maintained, still not famous” one read and the other “good thing they didn’t sign up for fame, let’s face it they’re not”

Thanks captain obvious.. isn’t that what I’ve said?

I know it shouldn’t get to me, but it does.

The only profile i wanted to keep was to help people, I wanted to be the difference in a very self serving world.

While I’m so proud my suffering and what I’ve been through has now made an impact, my blessing is to help others.

But the hate continues, from narrow minded people that instead of skipping over someone your not keen on, they make a point to be rude.

My beautiful cousin has been attacked at work defending us, literally had a news paper thrown at her by nasty women.

Months on, her angst at work still stands, it’s a cooking show for goodness sake!

In a few months a new batch of hopefuls will take to our screens and we will be long forgotten.

I don’t care if I’m remembered for my kickass cheesecake… I care they you remember me for this, who I am! The real me.

If you don’t like this one… the person I get to show you with no editing or creative publicity – it’s your call and i can’t win them all.

Don’t judge others by what you think you know as the truth.

No I’m not famous.. I don’t care to be! While celebs have my full admiration for the constant negativity of social, you literally have to shit golden nuggets to win praise in the industry – it’s not for me.

This blog isn’t some last minute attempt to hold on to some kind of public life..

I simply enjoy the relationships I’ve created with our followers from the show, my way of keeping in touch and still being able to interact.. posting selfies is cool – I’m a big fan, but this is a bit more of me.

I’ve had so many amazing people message me about their struggles.

Bullying is a term used a lot, often warranted – young girls constantly being attacked at school.

Anxiety stems from being the victim of bullying.

You don’t just have to be a child in school to fall victim to it, my cousin is proof adults are subjected to this in their workplaces also.

Everyone thinks because they have an opinion it’s fine to voice it, maybe hold your tongue till you’ve considered it’s impact.

My point is think before you be a dick.. give the poor fuckers a chance on reality tv shows, be smart enough to know it’s not always what it seems!

Most of all be kind to each other! It’s really not that hard.

To the meanies who I will never win over and to all aspiring and graduated trolls..

Suck a fat one… people are waking up to you and pretty soon you’ll have no power.

Read a book, masturbate or go for a walk, volunteer.. get off social and start living!!

My 2 cents on assholes!

Love you all – Jess xx

Don’t forget to follow me on Insta @jess.mkr

6 thoughts on “Why so rude..

  1. Too much time on their hands or not happy with their own life! Not sure why people can’t see its edited the crap out of. I loved MKR when it first started but I hadnt even watched it for years until this season, purely for the fact that it stopped being about the cooking and more about ratings and drama it seemed, and being someone who loves cooking it annoyed the absolute shit out of me!
    I have loved reading your blog, I’ve found out I surprisingly have a shitload in common with you, & this sort of stuff really hits home. Bullying fucking sucks, I always thought that shit would stop after school but it doesnt! Keep doing what you’re doing – using your public profile for good, helping people & showing them who you are xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah drama certainly took over this year, it was all real but there were other moments that could have been highlighted! But that’s what the TV game is about. It’s ratings and while we were in to cook and have fun, we had an audience to entertain and unfortunately just cooking is as boring as watching paint dry.. exactly why some of the plain Jane shows don’t rate. But it’s the meanies on social that make it so horrible and sadly it’s adults and they seriously don’t give any thought to their actions. My poor cousin is so crushed by what’s happening at her work with these two mean women giving her shit about my sister and I. One thing I don’t tolerate is assholes or fools. I am the nicest person you will ever meet until you cross me. I owe that to my mumma… she raised women who stand up for themselves and anyone else who needs a hand. Thank you for following my journey! I am really loving yours too. Xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yeah it makes it more entertaining, agreed, but certain bits didn’t need as much emphasis (such as the 2 week lead up to the Hadil & Sonya bit lol). Hope your cousin copes ok, it really is so unnecessary!


  3. I have seen a lot of the comments, keyboard warriors I call them. Whether its reality TV or a chronic illness. They are nasty, rude and I could go on. . there are people who will pull you down to lower than their level. I have been called a liar that my chronic illness’s are “not that bad” that I mustn’t have them as bad as others because I travel, whether I have traveled overseas or to Perth or Sydney to visit family. I have lost “friendships” within the chronic illness community because I travel and that I don’t understand them. The ads leading up to the “Hadil & Sonya” explosion really got to me. I love MKR, House Rules etc…I record these shows so I can fast forward or mute the TV and go and make a cuppa. Unnecessary from the TV channel to do this. People were already watching the show. I know that a lot of people turned away in droves because of the “lead up” and not what actually happened. It should be about the food and the house reno’s…not who hates who.etc… Masterchef went down that road. Im glad its gone back to cooking. Like the English show…just the cooking. Gosh I put long comments on your posts.


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