Bush… no bush??

So the question was asked today at work.. stunning young girl off to Europe in a few weeks, has a date this week!

Should I shave??

“If I shave now, I will not have enough to wax before I leave”.

My immediate answer was scalp that badger girl! Do not offer a furry friend to a suitor who is a reg down there.

(But as soon as I said it I got to thinking)

Now I may not be the best person to give advice on this matter, considering I’ve been married for so long and often am too lazy to shave and when I do, I get in trouble for using my husbands razor..

What?? Guys razors are so much better than ladies.. and for some reason his always works better than a mans razor I buy for myself.

Any ways back to my question..

What is the general consensus on warmth down there?

What’s in fashion? I guess it would depend on your generation really.

My problem is I’ve lived through a few trends..

And my fear is what will come back in trend and what will haunt us! (Like thin eye brows)

The full bush.. mum was our biggest inspiration growing up, when it came to a healthy bush! 80’s chick all the way!

I have so many stories that would make you cry with laughter but I’m sworn to keep it to myself!

I was a late bloomer, so it took me forever to grow anything and when I finally got some feathers I shaved them off in hope it would grow back like mums.

Took me years to get my head around mum was superwoman with a very impressive lady garden (as far as bush standards go)

The landing strip.. I thought this was a funny one, too thin or too thick!! So much pressure! I sported this look from teens to early 20’s! It was a good one for me, I hate my vag so it gave me the coverage I needed.

Enter the Brazilian.., an no I’m not talking about a hot guy called Pablo! It’s as smooth as a baby’s bottom kind of pre teen feeling..

Getting my butthole ripped apart and hot wax wedged between my crack.., um no thanks! I sat this one out! Did it once and ended up with a Pom Pom in my bum LOL hair grew back where there was never any!!

So I just stuck to good old shaving.. almost lost a few flaps on many occasions (one in particular, I was about to go bike riding down Venice beach in LA. Did the quick shave… didn’t go to plan! I had to wear a pad it was so bad!)

Now we have the power of laser!! My fear other than the feeling of being flicked with a 1000 rubber bands on your sensitive twat is…

What if bush comes back in fashion main stream like leather jackets did???

Your committing to a lifetime of hair free carefree low maintenance.

I keep giggling at the thought of all these old ladies with tattoos and no pubes and perfect eyebrows, in the future.

We forget we will grow old one day!

My post isn’t about ranting on about vaginas, if you know me – this is something i do often!

It’s about the pressure women face to keep on top of their gardening!

One guy in our office, let’s call him “Mr Bush” was the only person to say he doesn’t mind bush.. he is only in his 30’s so I was shocked.

I’ve been brain washed that Bush is a turn off… but what pisses me off is Men want to complain about their preference on how that area is presented but they just get to whack their pants down we have to accept their tally whackers in any form!!

They don’t seem to care, so why should we?

Is bush really a boner killer?

It’s so much effort, it’s time consuming and can be expensive to maintain all your bits as a woman!

Hair, nails, toes, lashes, brows, vag…

I panic every time I go to my obstetrics appointments.. what if they prob me?? Did I shave??

I know I’m not going to single handily bring back the bush era but I’d like to think me bringing this up gives you back your power!

My hubby is very vocal, Bush is not his fav thing! If your smart you use it to your advantage. Don’t worry about headaches or doing a poo before bed and not having a shower.. and telling him!

Full disclosure I’ve only pulled that trick a few times in desperate moments, but the bush worked well for me as a way of avoiding sexy time when I just couldn’t be bothered.

I say do what you like ladies! Stop feeling pressured by social norms and trends!

If we need to cop what we are given so can they..

And if it’s love not booty call they will love you bush and all no matter what.

It’s about empowerment and what makes you feel good, it’s your body and your choice.

If your single.. mr bush does exist so don’t fret too much and Murphy’s law states if you don’t shave and wear huge undies your bound to pick up!

Just some food for thought.. I’m over talking about assholes! So to change it up have a laugh at some bush talk and picture our future nursing homes!!

Oh in case your wondering I’m not sporting a full bush I do try and maintain given I have to flash it often enough to doctors.. it’s getting harder as I can’t see it!

You do you ladies!! Bring back the freedom of having bush.. if that’s what you want!

On a side note.. men with no bush make me giggle too.. they only do it because it gives them extra length!

love you guys xxx

Jess xx

Don’t forget to follow me on Insta @jess.mkr

  • 6 thoughts on “Bush… no bush??

    1. Hahahahaha fuck I cant work out what part made me laugh the most 😂😂 its all so true though 😂 and why are mens razors better?! Its frustrating !

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lol!!! More poor hubby I will literally shave done my whole body.. butt and all
        And he will jump in the shower and notice his razor in there… all I hear is Jessicaaaaa… I shit myself and hide! I find it funny he shaves his face with it lol


    2. God I love you hahaha I’m a no bush girl all the way! Done shaving, done waxing (you’re right about the butt hole!!!) and now I’m a ipl gal- removing that fur for good!!
      Keep up the real talk xx

      Liked by 1 person

    3. I love no bush…hahaha…mens razors are the best and they are so much cheaper. I like the freedom it feels good…hahaha but the older I get the harder it is to do.plus its thining….could be my thyroid or age lol. This post made me chuckle so much xx

      Liked by 1 person

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