My boss rocks..

I have been so blessed in my career, from very early on I was surrounded by people who cared. Real estate was something I fell into after my step father passed away.

I wanted to be a criminal profiler and work for the police.. but Uni was not on the cards for me, I was better placed looking after mum and my heart wasn’t in it.

After landing a dead end job, my Aunty pushed me to at least find something that had a career path until I decided what to do.

She actually applied for jobs for me, I got every single one and had choice.

Going to those interviews opened up doors and relationships and even though I knocked back a job, a few years later it would be the best thing I did and it lead me on this path to where I am today.

Grass roots for me, started on reception and made that my bitch! But I always wanted more, I’d walk into the office and picture myself where the director sat and said one day I will be there.

Since my days as a receptionist, I’ve been fortunate enough to climb the property industry ladder and meet some of the most influential minds of our time.

I’ve worked in Double Bay where we dealt with $13mil + properties and rubbed shoulders with people so wealthy they couldn’t spend their money in a lifetime, I’ve worked for a company leading the charge in technology and change in our industry named in the top 20 best places to work… I’ve managed 35 staff and run departments since I was in my early 20’s!!

I’ve stood on stage in front of thousands sharing my experiences and helping others grow in their careers.

I’ve also had a child and continued to work hard and juggle both, mostly with ease.

With some workplaces being more understanding than others!

But one person who has stood out my whole career, who has supported me the most is my current boss “big cheese”! Billy Couldwell.

When I took the job, he knew I was committed to filming and he agreed to let me do it.

I thought I’d be away for a few weeks and get straight back into it.

Yeah.. 6 months later and no face time in the office was not what we’d banked on.

I worked remotely to keep on top of things, but obviously not being present even 1 day a week put pressure on the business.

He still paid me the whole time.

So while most would have found a replacement he continued to support me, knowing there was no benefit to him at all..

Poor buggah is completely jaded by it and the mere mention of the show, I can see his eye twitch..

I’m sure when he sees a magazine with my face on it, he would love to scrunch it up and use it as toilet paper.

Oh and to top it off we weren’t wall flowers who just meshed into the other cast, we were front row and centre assholes on the show… his eye twitch became full body spasms LOL.

So fast forward a few months, the shit storm of reality tv well and truely over, I’m back working as normal..

I drop another Bomb!!

We are out at lunch as he sips on his 3rd cocktail (I keep encouraging him to drink up)

I’m so nervous and didn’t sleep much the night before.. I’m just going to come out and say it.

“I’m having another baby”

Fuck… the twitch is back! I brace myself, I’ve just had 6 months off and now after I’m all settled back in, I break it to him I’m about to have another baby.

To my surprise, he was so happy for me! Said what ever I needed just let him know.

His twitch ended up being a weird smile or maybe he was drunk.. either way it was such a relief.

As a woman juggling motherhood and a career is not easy.

Not only the guilt you carry for making the decision to not be with your kids 24/7 but more often than not workplaces just aren’t very flexible or understanding.

I am so fortunate that I get to continue what I love to do and be a mummy with no added pressure from my workplace.

My boss is flexible and will allow me time with my baby, I can bring him in to the office, work from home and still be valued.

In turn in I’m loyal, dedicated and work my arse off every day to prove my worth to the company.

It’s not been smooth sailing for me, and I’ve been on the receiving end of what it’s like to have workplaces not supportive.

I’ve been told if I have kids, I don’t have a job anymore. My role completely changing on me and pay increases denied.

When you have worked all your life and you’ve made a career out of what you love, suddenly becoming a mother is a really difficult transition.

My husbands life didn’t change when we had our son, but mine did drastically.

I had post natal depression, i couldn’t identify with my old self I felt like I lost me.

The sooner I got back to work the better for me.

Once I did, I found me again. Staying home seemed so much harder.

The world still needs to catch up when it comes to women returning to the workforce.

We need more accepting bosses, like mine.

Understanding that flexible working conditions don’t hinder productivity, if people feel they are valued they work harder.

If they don’t, they can piss off! Can’t stand people taking advantage either.

It’s give and take and works both ways.

We can’t as women just expect flexibility get all huffy when it’s not given and not expect to work hard and give back.

It’s not a given and I do believe it should be earned by your efforts too.

If you are a woman juggling both, reading this I hope you know your not alone.

It’s a very large club and your in great company, always feel valued in what you do.

If your stuck in a workplace that is not supportive, find one that is – it makes such a difference and improves your family life and takes away that strain.

If your a boss reading this, give your ladies a chance, be open to hiring more women and don’t be afraid to be flexible in your business.

There are so many strategies and models that can work in many industries that support mothers.

No one would be in a position to make decisions on this if it wasn’t for us giving up a piece of ourselves and bringing you into this world.. someone has to do it – appreciate the sacrifice and make it a little easier to have the choice in doing both.

You can be a kick ass mother and dominate your job and be just as productive if not more than those who aren’t juggling.

I want to say a huge thank you and show appreciation to my boss Billy, you are a legend and I have so much time and respect for you.

Your an amazing father, my mentor and really good friend.

I owe you a lot and I’m so grateful I get to do what I do everyday because of you.

You let me run your business, trust me with your life and give me credit when it’s due and kick my arse when it’s needed.

Thank you for your support and letting me do the show and being so amazing when it comes to me being a mother and your General Manager.

The world needs more bosses like you.

My final word to everyone else.. you can have it all!! I’m proof of that!

Love Jess

@jess.mkr (Insta)

One thought on “My boss rocks..

  1. Oh its so important to have a boss that understands. I had one many years ago. I was working part time, however as you know being a mother and a wife as well your day starts so early. I would get both my girls off to school. The eldest would drop her off and then we would wait for the special bus for the youngest. As soon as she was on the bus I would jump in the car and drove right across town to work. My boss when everyone would have their morning tea told me I had to stop work and go and take a break. I said to her but I only got here half hour ago. She was like “what you probably got up at 6…two kids one disabled and a husband meant you already started work at 6am…go and take a break” She got 150% out of me from that day on as I wanted to thank her by doing the work and more that she gave me. I take my hat off to working mums. They really do need a good partner and a great boss.

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